Bathroom Routine
One of the joys of disability is dealing with bodily functions. Mom always jokes how easy potty training was because I didn’t go anywhere. All she did is set me on the potty and my reward for going was getting off the pot. Those easy days are long gone. Like so many things, simply going to the bathroom is a process. Everyone’s process is different and evolves over time. What worked for me as a kid won’t work for me now. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa.
Why do I bring this up? Because it’s not something we openly talk about a lot. Sometimes though if we discuss it we learn things that can be helpful. For example I learned recently what an SPC and Mitrofanoff are. You can search the forums to learn more. If I’d known about them earlier I would have certainly considered them to make my bathroom life easier. For now though I relieve myself the old fashioned way, over the toilet.
If only going to the bathroom was as easy pulling your pants down and taking a seat. No, for me is at least a 20 minute process. With the assistance of a caregiver I transfer to a bed to pull down my pants. Then transfer to my shower chair that rolls over the toilet. After I’ve done my business my caregiver wipes my butt and I transfer back to the bed to pull pants up. No easy task. Then I transfer back to my chair where the repositioning struggle begins. Several tugs, pushes and pulls later I might be comfortable enough to continue my day.
Perfection is something I gave up on long ago. Good enough is what I strive for these days. Inevitably I’ll notice at some point the cuff on my pant leg is turned up or my shirt is pulling weird. Oh well, at least my bladder is empty…for now. In about 8 hours I’ll get a do over. Yes, I hold it that long because I hate the process so much. We can discuss the ramifications of that another time.
What’s your process like? Do you have any struggles? How about tips on making it easier?
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