Hi Alyssa, I really wanted to reach out to you about this issue. I appreciate that you’ve taken notice and I am so sorry and sad that you have had to deal with this sacrifice. So, caregiving shortage is a national issue right now. I am part of a network of disabled advocates here in Los Angeles and we are working tirelessly around the clock to advocate against this issue and for disabled persons who need Caregivers. I have done extensive searches as well as my friends and we have found that the major problem is that the country has been utilizing unemployment funds as a source of income. We realize that it is a pandemic, but it has hit our community very hard in regards to lack of caregivers. Here on my end, my experiences are logged and dated because I have dealt with extreme situations. I don’t have a family member to fall back on, I depend solely on community providers. We are seeking answers, we’ve attended state and federal zoom conferences that are made public through the authority figures such as CDSS, Health and Human services and so forth and we have spoken about the problem. Bottom line, it turns out that caregivers are receiving more income on unemployment right now than they are at working their hourly rate for their job. On top of that they are receiving quite a bit of funds for food stamps, so people are well supplied at this point.
It is sad, and I have my opinions about it but I don’t think it’s safe to say so here. But please know, it is being addressed and it is a severe problem, the problem goes as deep as long term care facilities as well. Everyone that needs care right now, yes even daycare centers, are hurting for caregivers. I pray and advocate that the problem lifts soon. Hang tight! We are fighting. My best suggestion would be if you can afford to pay them a little bit more out of pocket, then do so. Unfortunately on our end over here we are getting the attention of subpar care with subpar characters because the people that cannot qualify for unemployment are applying for jobs and they’re coming into our homes into our private homes and carrying fries. I have endured emotional abuse, physical abuse, drug addicts, even homeless people for the last year. I’ve never seen it this bad so I hope it changes soon. If you care to respond in a more extensive manner, email me at [email protected]