31 Days of SMA: Amber Bosselman

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by Kevin Schaefer |

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SMA Awareness Month

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Day 11 of 31 Days SMA Topic: Embracing Life with SMA This is Amber Bosselman (@ambercarleen ) story: I spent years resisting the SMA part of my identity. I would try and take photos of myself that didn’t show my wheelchair. I cried in dressing rooms when I couldn’t find clothes that fit my unique body. Wow, even admitting that now took courage and vulnerability. But I learned a cool concept in my work as a life coach. When we resist feeling emotions like sadness or frustration, those emotions will persist until we acknowledge them. How does this apply to SMA? I'm glad you asked! For most of my childhood and teenage years, I didn't know how to embrace my disability. It was with me every day and defined how I lived. I didn’t realize I did not have to feel shame or embarrassment about my disability. That, in fact, I may be a better version of myself because of my disability. But here is the good news. Life with SMA can be wonderful. Amazing! Fulfilling! The choice was mine all along, whether I would resist it and despise it, or open myself up to it and embrace it. And that has made all the difference. Now photos of me in my wheelchair make me smile, and I am embracing my body and the unique challenges (and blessings) SMA brings. I didn’t learn this in one big aha moment, but in small lessons along the way that have shaped who I am today. #SMAAwarenessMonth #SMAAwareness #31daysofsma2020

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