31 Days of SMA: Serei Panh

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by Kevin Schaefer |

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SMA Awareness Month

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Day 4 of 31 Days of SMA Topic: Living with SMA Type 3 This is Serei Panh's story: Staring into the unknowns, my anxiety is dangerously close to being overwhelming. You can’t go back now since you’re committed to the run, the infamous King Con. Remember to breath, Brian would say, as he readies his tethers behind the ski bike. Deep breath… One turn at a time. Don’t look over the edge because it seems like a sheer drop off. In many ways, it’s no different than living with SMA. A lot of anxieties at the top, but the ride is definitely worth it. But if I take it one day at a time, heck, one step at a time I’ll figure it out. I always do. WE always do. You don’t conquer the run by yourself. It’s impossible. You have a team, a group that helps you get back on your bike. A group that laughs with you as you gracefully take a ‘Mayday’ fall because your arm muscles decide to phone it in for the day. In SMA world, you have a group that calms your nerves before that 10t​ h​ spinal tap, a group that helps bring your kayak into the water, a group that sits around a campfire and helps you get up from the fall, because you know.. one beer too many. Yep, definitely worth it. What’s life without bruises and bumps? Everyone goes through it, physically able or not. It’s just another “Character Enhancement” opportunity, right? You just have to find that group that will ride with you. Joe, Ben, Ray, Eric, Luke, Derek, Emily, James, Mike and especially Brian, thanks for the memories and I can’t wait to make more of them! #SMAAwarenessMonth #SMAAwareness #31daysofsma2020

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