Alex Coletta,  —

Articles by Alex Coletta

Cure SMA Announces Presenters for Upcoming 2017 Family Friendly Poster Session

One way Cure SMA’s Annual SMA Conference encourages collaboration among academics, industry executives, government officials and families is through its Family Friendly Poster Session – a yearly event in which researchers present their findings about spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in an accessible format. Registration is now open for the annual conference,…

Company Makes SMA, CF Gene Screening More Accessible for Would-be Parents

A new saliva-based screening test for the two most commonly inherited genetic disorders, cystic fibrosis (CF) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), is now available through Good Start Genetics, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The test, called VeriYou, costs less than $150. Because one in every 19 people are gene carriers for CF or SMA,…