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  • krista-brodeur

    July 17, 2018 at 7:58 pm in reply to: Going to the bathroom when you have SMA

    Michael, I do have a question actually! How long were you in hospital and how long until you could go back to normal life?

    i work, but I sit at a desk all day and I work from home. Also because I don’t walk, I imagine recovery would be a bit different than your average person since we can still heal while sitting and not making it worse.



  • krista-brodeur

    July 17, 2018 at 6:18 pm in reply to: Going to the bathroom when you have SMA

    My doctor and I have voted for a permanent sigmoid end colostomy. I’m sure one day there will be a miracle and I’ll be able to walk again (another eye roll) BUT I will walk and have a bag. And I’m totally ok with that! I’m sure I won’t be the only person magically healed and have a poop bag! Lol

    i just don’t see the purpose of doing a much more permanent surgery and remove good self sufficient colon!

    I can’t wait to see what this other surgeon might say! I am interested to know if maybe just maybe they have a suggestion that I haven’t researched or thought of.

    I just hope this apt doesn’t put off my surgery date, I’ve been waiting a long time for this!

  • krista-brodeur

    July 17, 2018 at 5:31 pm in reply to: Hello!

    My issue at this point, is my classification as morbidly obese! I can’t eat all day, and don’t dare eat due to no caregiver around. So I eat once a day, usually before bed! Yup that’s a great weight loss tool (eye roll) anyway, I need to be able to eat to loose weight. When I do eat, I make healthy choices but it just isn’t enough!

    My surgeon wants to see if there’s any other options. However, I’ve done a lot of research and I just can’t see anything else!

    The surgeon is concerned because of what shape I might be in when this is over. Well, I’m concerned more about the mental state I’ll be in once I have zero control and zero help! But, like a lot of doctors he doesn’t seem to understand!

  • krista-brodeur

    July 17, 2018 at 5:28 pm in reply to: Going to the bathroom when you have SMA

    Hi DeAnn

    thank you for bringing me here! Finally people that know what I’m going through. Although I’m sorry you guys are too, there’s some comfort knowing I’m not the only one!

    The SPC (Suprapubic Catheter) has been a total life changer! I love it! Her name is Penelope – get it Peenelope! Haha oh I crack me up! Anyway, surgery was about an hour and I was out having dinner with friends that night! Also, you don’t need to be attached to a bag! There’s such things as valves and that’s what I use. I open the valve over the toilet to go and then close it and put it back in my pants resting on my legs. It’s had its pains, bladder spasms suck but I’ll take them all day long instead of having to call someone to help me transfer! Also weight loss with it is great, since you can go whenever you want/need to! I’m happy to answer any questions, just let me know!

  • krista-brodeur

    July 17, 2018 at 11:28 am in reply to: Going to the bathroom when you have SMA

    Hello! I’m new here but going through an interesting issue. Ahhh finally people that understand!!

    Anyway, I was always able to transfer on my own to the toilet, so it was never an issue. However about 2 years ago I fell in the bathroom at work and I couldn’t do it anymore. Went and got super pubic catheter, best choice ever! Now I drink whatever I want and whenever I want!

    Now my issue is using the bathroom for a bowel movement! I have lost a lot of the muscle and this has lead to a long annoying road of needing help with transferring more than before.

    i can’t eat anything throughout the day! I can’t have a sandwich and sometimes I can’t even have a tic tac! It’s so unpredictable. As soon as I eat, or sometimes even if I don’t eat, I need to call someone to help me use the bathroom. It’s fristrating and there isn’t always someone around. Then I run the risk of going in my pants at work, I can’t have that happen. I just can’t!

    so I went and spoke with my family doctor about a year ago and asked for a referal for a cecostomy. That was terrible, the one doctor refused to do it because he didn’t think I needed it. Then I found another doctor fairly far away from me but I was willing because he was! He sent me for tons of tests and finally the time came to set up a meeting. I called and he said he doesn’t know who I am and never sent me for tests! I was so upset!

    anyway, fast forward a couple months and my family doctor found a surgeon that was willing to discuss colostomy with me. Perfect! This would give my mom her life back and would give me my life back too! So I went and saw him May 7th and he said he was willing to do it but wanted a colonoscopy, ok no problem! Earliest apt was July 6th, fine. I went and did the colonoscopy and the surgeon said it was fantastic! Great. So I make an apt for yesterday as he asked, he said to me that he wanted a second opinion from another surgeon he works with. Because he wants to see if there’s any other options for me first. This is so frustrating! I have to live with this daily, it’s affecting my life and my work and it’s draining me! I did some research and I guess another option could be the K Pouch, but that to me seems way more invasive than the colostomy since I can still feel everything and I am continent.

    Anyone know of any other options that maybe I’m not looking at?