Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

31 Days of SMA: Valuable Lessons From a Self-advocate

Photo courtesy of Stephen Mikita Day 23 of 31 This is Stephen Mikita’s (@stevemikita) story: In 1968, I was 12 years old and had severe scoliosis. My doctors told me that my spine resembled the letter S, and I underwent spinal fusion. To say that…

31 Days of SMA: Her Condition Brought Us Closer

Logan Mundy and Arya Singh Day 22 of 31 This is Arya Singh and Logan Mundy’s story, as told by Logan: I was nervous for my first date with Arya. At the time, I had not even heard of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and knew nothing about disability or…

31 Days of SMA: Here’s Why Diverse Representation Matters

Photo courtesy of Shailynn Taylor Day 19 of 31 This is Shailynn Taylor’s story: Hi! I’m a 26-year-old entrepreneur, university graduate, public speaker, and model, and I live with SMA type 2. I remember what the lack of representation in all aspects of my life felt like as…