Life, One Cup at a Time - a Column by Alyssa Silva

Diagnosed at 5 months of age, Alyssa has set out to raise awareness about life with SMA Type I through writing. By getting personal and being open about her trials and triumphs, she wants the world to know that SMA can put up a good fight, but we can always fight back exceedingly harder. Aside from writing, Alyssa is the community director for an adaptive fashion brand and has founded her own nonprofit called Working On Walking. In her free time, she enjoys discovering new coffee shops within a 50-mile radius of her hometown in Rhode Island.

Finding light in the winters of life with SMA

A few weeks ago, I glanced out my window and instinctively squinted. Before me was my backyard covered in a blanket of ice and thick snow, blinding me with the sun’s reflection. The rocky hills were now shiny and smooth, and the frozen landscape glistened in a magical way. The…

How new SMA treatments are turning hope into reality

Last month, the biotechnology company Scholar Rock submitted an application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requesting approval of an experimental add-on therapy to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The investigational drug apitegromab is intended to target a protein in the bloodstream that inhibits muscle growth with the…

A respiratory illness left me fighting for my life

As I lay in bed, willing my body to find some energy to write this column, a notification popped up on my phone. According to USA Today, a “quadruple whammy of viruses” had been spreading across the country. All I could do was roll my eyes. After the past several…

Finding gratitude, even amid the toughest battles of life with SMA

Living with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) often means facing many hardships and uncertainties. With physical limitations, emotional hurdles, and complex medical issues, SMA is constantly shaping and shifting my life. Though these are the realities I’ve lived with and grown accustomed to for 34 years, there are still some…

Practicing self-compassion while facing SMA challenges

“Alyssa, this is the best you’ve ever looked to me,” my gastroenterologist recently exclaimed during a routine appointment. Though I hadn’t felt my best internally, I took her word for it. After all, she’d been my doctor for more than a decade, and this was the first time I’d heard…

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