Embracing My Inner Alien - a column by Kevin Schaefer

wheelchair malfunction, movie theaterKevin is a writer, podcaster, and lover of all things pop-culture. Diagnosed with SMA Type 2 at the age of 18 months, he shares a vast array of hilarious and eye-opening stories from his life with a neuromuscular disability. In addition to his weekly columns, he works as the Director of Forums for this site’s parent company, BioNews. Kevin is a graduate of North Carolina State University and lives with his parents in Cary, NC. People regularly mistake him for Tony Stark, on account of his intellect and advanced technological equipment.  

It’s Been an SMA Kind of Day

Certain days can only be described as “an SMA kind of day.” It happens when the power cuts off in the middle of the night, causing the BiPAP machine to stop working and the hospital bed to sink. Or, when…

Adapting to a Season of Change

Around the corner from my house there’s a shopping mall that’s stood as an iconic symbol of my small hometown for decades. It’s across the street from the high school my sister and brother-in-law went to, and it’s also situated near my go-to Barnes & Noble store, as…

A Spontaneous Adventure

As my 27th birthday approaches later this month, I recognize that this year will be vastly different from past celebrations. With the current global health crisis, many of us SMAers are spending a lot of time in isolation. Though I’m able to go to certain outdoor restaurants with…

Treasuring the Little Things

My 3-year-old niece Lily sat next to me, absorbed in the pages of her “Frozen” coloring book. On my right, my dad also was busy coloring an elaborate picture for her and her baby brother. Back when Lily was born, my parents converted…

Everything Takes Extra Effort When You Have SMA

It took three people to complete my retinal scan during my vision appointment the other day. Most people can just prop themselves up against the machine, stare into the camera, and finish in no time. SMA, however, adds a few extra steps to this process.  Once…

Wearing My Vader Mask at Night

Every morning when I wake up, I feel like my nose took a beating the night before. Grogginess is one thing, but when you factor in a BiPAP machine, it adds an extra layer of discomfort. As soon as I awake, I can’t…

The Uncanny SMAers

Within the pages of the Marvel universe, one of the most iconic superhero teams is the “Uncanny X-Men.” There’s Cyclops with his optic blasts of energy, Marvel Girl with her telepathic and telekinetic abilities, Wolverine with his regenerative healing abilities and…

An Update on My Digestive Dilemma

A few months ago, I wrote about my ongoing stomach issues and the impact this was having on my daily life. Despite the subject matter, I somehow managed to maintain a serious tone in the column. Truth be told, I was too frustrated…