From Where I Sit - a Column by Halsey Blocher

tracheostomy tube, COVID-19 vaccine, St. Patrick, ask, hospitalizationHalsey is a young woman living with SMA Type I. She received this diagnosis at the age of 15 months after her parents sought multiple doctors’ opinions and genetic testing — a process that has since been made much easier with today’s technology and understanding of the disease. Halsey is an avid reader and enjoys art and crock pot cooking. She also enjoys serving as a volunteer for a disability center in her home state of Indiana. She is now pursuing her writing dream with the hope of offering glimpses into everyday life with SMA and challenging readers to look for the positive in every situation.

You Can Ask Me About My Disability Any Day

As Rare Disease Day approaches on Feb. 28, many in the disability community are seizing the opportunity to share about their diseases and the many aspects of being rare. Having an entire day dedicated to this purpose is wonderful, but let’s not limit these discussions to…

Looking Back at the Good and Bad Moments of 2020

Nearly a month into 2021, I think it’s safe to say we’re all glad to have left 2020 behind us. It certainly wasn’t an easy year. Its hardships likely will go down in the history books. Around the globe, we saw a devastating pandemic, raging wildfires, and a…

Rising From the Ashes and Flying With Broken Wings

In recent years, Disney has started a new trend of turning its classic animated movies into live-action remakes. In 2019, it released a reimagined “Aladdin.” Much of the story stays true to the original film from 1992, and any differences that do occur only serve to make the movie stand…

Putting a Different Twist on Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Meals are being planned, and turkeys are being purchased. The delicious smells and flavors of pumpkin and cinnamon will be consumed in many homes. And, my favorite part, thankfulness abounds: Family, good health, the food on the table, and financial stability are commonly counted among…

Being Spontaneous Isn’t as Simple as It Seems

What was the last spontaneous thing you did? Maybe you suddenly decided to treat yourself to ice cream, bought those shoes that have been calling your name, or went for a drive on a nice day simply because you felt like it. I enjoy a bit of spontaneity from time…