
High-intensity Training Improves Fitness While Being Safe for Patients with Kennedy’s Disease, Small Study Suggests

High-intensity training can improve fitness and may be performed safely by patients with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), a small pilot study suggests. According to patients, high-intensity training (HIT) did not increase their muscle fatigue and was preferred to other workouts. Although more studies are needed to understand the long-term…

Parents Need Supportive Care as Child Transitions to Wheelchair, Study Says

Parents of children with neuromuscular diseases who are prescribed wheelchair use should be involved in this process and receive psychological care and social support to facilitate transition to wheelchair equipment, according to a recent study. The study, “It’s not just the wheelchair, it’s everything else”: Australian parents’ perspectives of wheelchair prescription…

Nonprofit Group Works to Raise Rare Disease Awareness in India

With an estimated 1.37 billion inhabitants, India will likely surpass China in five years as the world’s most populous country. That also means it will have more rare-disease patients than any nation. It already has more than twice as many as the 28-member European Union. Harsha K. Rajasimha, a genomics…