I’m Not Normal, and That’s OK

I always get something out of my therapy sessions. Sometimes it’s a word or a phrase. I’ll never forget when my therapist told me that, even in the midst of an attack, I won’t be anxious forever. I don’t struggle as much with anxiety these days, but whenever I’m knocked down by a particularly intense wave, I find myself returning to that simple piece of wisdom. Sometimes it’s just peace, a quiet belief that everything is going to be all right.
I was talking to my therapist this week about my not-so-successful trip to the Renaissance Festival a few weeks back. I’ve moved on, I think. Not everything goes the way we plan it, and, besides, I’ve been too busy with schoolwork to really think about social mishaps. But I still wanted to talk with her about it, because I’ve realized that experiences like that — while certainly not new or surprising — are still traumatic. It still takes me a week or two to get my head screwed back on right.
I explained what happened, and I told her why I felt so awful about it. I also told her about my trip to Indianapolis, and how that whole affair showed me just how much I hate being abnormal. Or, I guess, how much I hate being not normal; how, after all this time, I still desperately want to somehow be considered normal.
I’ve written a bit about my journey toward disability pride, how I recently went through a time of great exploration and, through that exploration, acceptance. I love who I am. I love being disabled, and I love all the awkward, humiliating, bizarre and unique things that happen to me because of my SMA. But I believe it’s important to admit that I’m not always proud. I’m not always grateful for my disability, and I’m not always content as a disabled cyborg crip. I have bad days, too. On good days, I’m happy and fulfilled. But on bad days …
My trip to the Renaissance Festival was a bad day. It left me feeling small and utterly, helplessly abnormal. Like a sore thumb of society, red and crooked.
I told my therapist that. And she said — word-for-word, I promise you — “Well, that’s probably because you’re not normal.”
I swallowed my defensive What? and let her explain. She went on to say that, when I’m at home, I probably do feel normal, because I’m essentially on my home turf. (What they call “favored terrain” in Dungeons & Dragons, by the way.)
But when my friends see me in Indianapolis or at the Renaissance Festival or even in my parents’ basement, hair thrown up in my everyday D&D-proof ponytail, they don’t distinguish between normal and abnormal, comfortable or uncomfortable. They just see me.
“They don’t see normal,” she told me. “They see ‘Brie’s normal.’”
And I laughed, because I knew I’d been given another one of those elusive nuggets of proverb.
Brie’s normal.
It’s easy to forget — especially on bad days — that normal is a farce. A construct. It doesn’t exist anywhere but in people’s minds. I’m not normal, but no one is normal, because we’re all different in sundry delightful ways. Normal, then, is not the natural or expected or even average state of being; abnormal is. Hard to remember in the throbbing heart of an anxiety attack, but the more you think about it, the easier it gets to dredge up from the depths.
Belief in normality is a pervasive thing, so I don’t go around calling people abnormal. And, on bad days, I still fall prey to that age-old desire — I want to be normal. I used to pray, curled like a half-moon around my cat in the middle of the night. Please just let me be like everyone else. But now I focus on something less alienating, something that’s actually achievable: Brie’s normal.
Right now, that looks like schoolwork, Dungeons & Dragons, caramel M&Ms, and my best friend. In a few months, it’ll be graduate school, tattoos, “Star Wars” and the holidays. My normal is an ever-changing beast, and so I’ll find it easier to tame, because those shifts in presentation are inextricable to who I am. My normal is part of me.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
Note: SMA News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of SMA News Today or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to spinal muscular atrophy.
Dearest Brie 😍
Gosh that is such a amazing article, I love it and like it and will linked into my blog.. 💕❤️ Like you, I am currently living "again" in harmony with my RA. A few weeks ago it looked different, so the silence around me here.
What I wanted to tell you. It is important that we experience such adventures. With these adventures, we leave our borders and expand them. My therapist once asked me this. Why Liz you stick your goals always so high, it cannot be smaller challenge.!?
My answer, sorry Chris I need high goals, I grow with them.
That has made me , what I am today, a girl with strong self-confidence. Right now , I love how you do different things, peppermint chocolate candies in tons - giggles. Photography Tours with my husband.
Gaming like Sims, TSTO .
For you dearest Brie I wishes all the best for the school, much fun for all your activities outside and inside. I'll send all my positive vibes onto you.. Stay strong... 💪
Warm hugs
Brianna Albers
Hi Liz! Thanks so much for the kind words. I completely agree - it's not always easy, but setting my sights above and beyond what people consider "normal," or even "possible" for someone with my condition, keeps me... sharp, for lack of a better word. I'm so glad to hear you've found peace with your RA again, though!
I love that you call these little bumps in the road "adventures" - that's what I've been calling them for years now! Whenever I get bowled over by a tough situation, or whenever I feel myself getting upset about my abnormalities, I try and think of it is an adventure. :~) I actually wrote about this in a future column, so keep an eye out!
Lots of love!!
Whenever I'm not feeling "normal" I just remember that normal is just a setting on the dryer. Makes me smile and puts my life back into perspective! I may tumble but at the end of the day I can declare myself wrinkle free!
Brianna Albers
Hi Carrie! I love this - such a great way of looking at things! At the end of the day, we've all been through some rough wash cycles; recognizing how impossible it is to achieve a "perfect" cycle makes all the difference :~)