The deadly Spiranza price
The consumer defense association Test-Achats (Belgium) announced Wednesday the filing of a complaint against the pharmaceutical company Biogen before the Belgian Competition Authority. It denounces an abuse of a dominant position in the marketing, at a price considered exorbitant, Spinraza, a drug against spinal muscular atrophy, a rare and serious disease that mainly affects children. Test-Achats shows a gap of nearly $ 2 billion between development costs and revenues. In two years, Spinraza sales reached $ 2.61 billion for an investment of $ 648 million. Each dollar invested has brought in four times more, she says. Test-Achats sees in this case a new illustration of “unsustainable prices” practiced by the pharmaceutical industry, which can no longer be justified, according to her, by the protection of investments in research and development
American associations should complaint against Spiranza
Sorry for my bad english. i speak french
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