Alyssa Silva,  —

Alyssa Silva is a writer based out of Providence, Rhode Island. She was diagnosed with SMA type 1 in 1991 when she was just 5 months old. Aside from writing, Alyssa is the chief creative officer for an intimates brand and runs a small business selling her artwork. In her free time, you can find her canceling plans to hang out with her golden retrievers, watching reruns of "The Office," and convincing others why Taylor Swift is the greatest of all time.

Articles by Alyssa Silva

The Day I Was Reminded of SMA’s Unpredictability

Can I get a show of hands of all the folks who agree that living with SMA can be incredibly unpredictable? OK, maybe that wasn’t the best way to take a poll. However, I imagine you’re nodding your head in agreement. You probably raised your eyebrows when you thought…

Think Before You Stare

There’s a paperweight that sits on my desk that reads, “People are going to stare. Make it worth their while.” Apparently, a man named Harry Winston stated this. I did a quick internet search of the fella, and it appears he was a well-known American jeweler in…

First Introductions and Awkward Handshakes

What is the first thing you do when introduced to someone? You start off with a simple greeting, state your name, and extend your hand for a firm handshake, right? I know I’m going out of my way to state the obvious here, but stick with me. This…

Fears, Friends, and Sound Advice

Today’s column is brought to you by the gratitude I hold in my heart for friends who give sound advice and are always willing to talk about the hard stuff. I think that’s a key ingredient to living with SMA: getting comfortable with talking about the things that…

Swiping My Wheelchair Card

When I was in 8th grade, I had an English teacher who saw right through me, in a good way. She didn’t give me special treatment, but she understood my needs and limitations, and respected them. Most importantly, she certainly didn’t walk on eggshells around the “innocent” girl…

My Amtrak Experience

I’d like to preface this piece by giving a shout out to one of our very own columnists, Brianna Albers. Brianna shared her experience with Amtrak on SMA News Today last year and was incredibly kind in answering all of my questions and easing my…

Patiently Waiting for an Itch to Be Scratched

I’m going to state the obvious: The list of things this disease prevents me from doing is a long one. So, when I have to rely on others, patience has become an imperative virtue. If I need an itch scratched, I wait for someone to drop what they’re…

Working On Walking: From Dreams to Reality

I’ve used this space to share little snippets about the nonprofit organization I founded 18 years ago. I’ve shared who was my inspiration behind this foundation and how it all began with one little lemonade stand. Today, I’ll talk about what this organization stands for, and the…