Alyssa Silva,  —

Alyssa Silva is a writer based out of Providence, Rhode Island. She was diagnosed with SMA type 1 in 1991 when she was just 5 months old. Aside from writing, Alyssa is the chief creative officer for an intimates brand and runs a small business selling her artwork. In her free time, you can find her canceling plans to hang out with her golden retrievers, watching reruns of "The Office," and convincing others why Taylor Swift is the greatest of all time.

Articles by Alyssa Silva

Life Before and After Spinraza, Part 2

Second in a series. Read Part 1 here. There’s a certain significance that Dec. 4 holds in my life. What started as an ordinary day morphed into the day that forever changed the course of my life. That’s just how life works in its mysterious ways. The…

Life Before and After Spinraza, Part 1

If I asked you right now to tell me what your life’s defining moments were, what would you choose? Would it be something that left you feeling content and hopeful? Or would it be something more dark and gloomy? Each of us has moments when it’s almost as…

When Life Gave Me Lemons

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” We’ve all heard this saying. It has been repeated and engraved into our brains. It teaches us to take the bitterness of life and learn to make it sweet again. Rise above our adversities and choose to lead a positive and…

When Hospital Roles Are Reversed

“All right, Alyssa, let’s see how quickly we can do this,” I shouted to my assistant, who conveniently shares my name. I had exactly one hour to get flowers at the local supermarket and get to the hospital to visit my grandfather before his physical therapy appointment. So…

What You Can Learn Living in the Eye of the Storm

Did you know that when buffalo sense a storm coming, they run into it? I recently took a writing course, and the instructor shared this fascinating tidbit with us all. Most animals and humans alike seek shelter when we feel and see a storm brewing in the distance. Lightning strikes,…

Why You Should Embrace Your Struggles

In promising to be as open and honest with you at all times, I must preface this column by telling you I find myself in a season of struggle right now. Life as I know it is messy. It’s chaotic and out of balance and, at times, downright ugly. A…

The Pros and Cons of Traveling in a Wheelchair

I don’t know about you, but this time of the year always has me daydreaming of some sort of tropical getaway complete with life-changing excursions and the ability to immerse oneself in new cultures and traditions. At heart, I’m consumed by wanderlust. I love seeking new adventures and exploring all…