Kevin Schaefer,  —

Kevin Schaefer (he/him) is a writer, podcaster, and lover of all things pop culture. Diagnosed with SMA type 2 at the age of 18 months in 1995, he shares a vast array of hilarious and eye-opening stories from his life with a neuromuscular disability. He works as the associate director of community content for this site’s parent company, BioNews. He also hosts the SMA News Today Podcast. Kevin is a graduate of North Carolina State University and lives with his parents in Cary, NC. People regularly mistake him for Tony Stark, on account of his intellect and advanced technological equipment.

Articles by Kevin Schaefer

On Being a Hot Person in a Wheelchair

Across social media platforms right now, there’s a trend where people post pictures of themselves from 10 years ago next to current ones. The idea is to see how much people have changed over a decade and to laugh at embarrassing old images. It’s been entertaining,…

The Cruelty and Complexity of SMA

In season five of the FX series “Sons of Anarchy,” main character Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam) watches his best friend Opie (Ryan Hurst) die in a prison fight. It’s a brutal scene that features some of the show’s defining elements: Shakespearean drama, graphic violence, and…

Reflections on My Post-college Life

Two years ago, I had just graduated from college and I found myself filled with uncertainty about my future. As a physically disabled 23-year-old on Social Security with an English degree, even I joked about the likelihood of facing unemployment and being forced into academia for…

Therapy Developments, Gratitude, and Patience

A few days ago, I met with an occupational therapist to evaluate the effects of my Spinraza (nusinersen) treatments. So far, I have had six injections of this therapy, and I have noticed things like increased energy and flexibility in my muscles. Still, I don’t…

Relying On My Parents More During the Holidays

The holidays are when I spend time with family and friends, put off Christmas shopping until the last minute, and relentlessly make fun of Hallmark movies. While it’s true that Hallmark flicks aren’t as remarkably terrible and cultlike as 1978’s “The Star Wars Holiday Special” (…

The Most Helpful Technologies I Use

Between smartphones, artificial intelligence, and social media platforms that allow people to post cat memes and political ramblings, it often feels like we live in a never-ending episode of “Star Trek.” Things that were once science fiction are now components of our everyday reality.

On Being ‘Cool’ When You’re in a Wheelchair

On Halloween this year, I dressed as the Marvel Comics superhero Daredevil. Blind lawyer Matt Murdock by day, and superhuman vigilante by night, Daredevil strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies as the guardian of Hell’s Kitchen. He is one of the most iconic…

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