From Where I Sit - a Column by Halsey Blocher

tracheostomy tube, COVID-19 vaccine, St. Patrick, ask, hospitalizationHalsey is a young woman living with SMA Type I. She received this diagnosis at the age of 15 months after her parents sought multiple doctors’ opinions and genetic testing — a process that has since been made much easier with today’s technology and understanding of the disease. Halsey is an avid reader and enjoys art and crock pot cooking. She also enjoys serving as a volunteer for a disability center in her home state of Indiana. She is now pursuing her writing dream with the hope of offering glimpses into everyday life with SMA and challenging readers to look for the positive in every situation.

Acknowledging the Price We Pay for a Day of Play

I love to go out and explore bits of the world with family and friends. Dinner at a restaurant, coffee dates, shopping trips, festivals, vacations — all of these are awesome activities. It takes some effort and teamwork to get my medical equipment out the door and…

Cleaning Up After SMA’s Messes Is a Dirty Job

With that headline, I’d expect this column to belong to my friend and SMA News Today colleague Kevin Schaefer. After all, he’s not shy about sharing less than pleasant aspects of living with SMA, including detailed stories about his trips to the bathroom. But believe…

What a Community Can Accomplish When We Come Together

Back in November, the latest e-newsletter from We Carry Kevan (WCK) landed in my inbox, and this one included an intriguing request. They were looking for volunteers to serve as ambassadors who would promote the organization’s mission of redefining accessibility in their communities. One area where ambassadors were…