Embracing My Inner Alien - a column by Kevin Schaefer

wheelchair malfunction, movie theaterKevin is a writer, podcaster, and lover of all things pop-culture. Diagnosed with SMA Type 2 at the age of 18 months, he shares a vast array of hilarious and eye-opening stories from his life with a neuromuscular disability. In addition to his weekly columns, he works as the Director of Forums for this site’s parent company, BioNews. Kevin is a graduate of North Carolina State University and lives with his parents in Cary, NC. People regularly mistake him for Tony Stark, on account of his intellect and advanced technological equipment.  

National Lampoon’s ‘Schaefer Vacations’

When you or a family member has SMA, chaos management becomes second nature. You come to expect the unexpected, and you learn to adapt to whatever absurd obstacles come your way. Case in point: the majority of my family’s vacations. You could easily…

Losing My Gaming Ability Opened Other Doors

There’s that old saying about how when one door closes, another opens. The original quote by Alexander Graham Bell is, “When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones…

The Fellowship of the Wheels

I guess the cat’s out of the bag. The featured photo here is the first official cast photo of Amazon’s upcoming “The Lord of the Rings” television reboot. Apparently, they wanted something different and modern, hence the name “The Fellowship of…

Accessible Hotel Rooms Are Pretty Suite

At the time of writing this, I’m sitting in my hotel room for the 2018 Annual Cure SMA Conference. My caregiver and his girlfriend are here with me, my parents are at dinner enjoying themselves, and this room is both accessible and spacious.

Dancing on Wheels

With my SMA, one might think that pretty much any kind of physical activity is out of the question for me. I use a power wheelchair, have severely limited use of my arms, I struggle to turn my head to the side, and if my driving…