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  • Dose of DeAnn Episode 3: SMA and Accessibility

    Posted by sma-news-today-moderator on May 25, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    In the third episode of  Dose of DeAnn: A Glimpse Into My Life With SMA, DeAnn shares her thoughts regarding accessibility issues today. In spite of laws designated to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, there are still buildings and areas all over the United States and in other countries which are inaccessible. This topic was recently discussed here on the SMA News Today adults with SMA forum.

    To share some of her experiences with inaccessible locations, DeAnn sits down with her nieces Lauren and Taylor to talk about a few of their summer vacations together. In one instance, they went to a downtown candy store which had a huge step right outside the front entrance. This of course prevented them from going in, and DeAnn talks about how frustrating that was.

    This episode ends with another installment of the Amazon Echo Show challenge, only this time DeAnn brings in her cat Tic-Tac instead of her dog Roy as the challenger. (And just a reminder: we’re giving away 10 Amazon Echo Dot speakers.)

    Be sure to subscribe to the SMA News Today YouTube channel so that you don’t miss an episode of this vlog, and you can also connect with DeAnn right here on the forums page.

    Can you relate to DeAnn’s frustration? Have you had issues with inaccessible buildings?

    sma-news-today-moderator replied 6 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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