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  • Would You Rather – Summer Treats

    Posted by deann-r on July 15, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Nothing’s better than a frozen ice cream cone on a hot summer day. But they’re messy and can be difficult for someone with limited arm function to eat. Heck, they can be messy for anyone, never mind if you need assistance eating. That brings up my next Would You Rather question. On a sweltering summer day would you rather tackle something messy like an ice cream cone or Dilly bar, or do you play it safe and stick with a smoothie or a shake? I tend to play it safe, but every once in a while I gotta make a mess. Then I remember what a hassle it is so play it safe again for a while. A lot of it depends on the situation too, like if I’m home or out and about. Who knew so much could factor into picking a summer treat.

    deann-r replied 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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