• Posted by deann-r on February 22, 2022 at 10:00 am

    Most of the time I try my darnedest to avoid being what Mom calls snippy. Between the lack of communication between the clinic & pharmacy and another new nurse asking if Evrysdi was for my MS, I’m sure I came off snippy.

    It must be a snippy time of year. At my now soon to be former vet clinic, reordering supplements was an ordeal. Through a service dog organization I receive free supplements when requested through your vet. “Just because you can get something for free doesn’t mean you should” was their initial response. Uh, hello, I’m already receiving the product. I’m simply trying to reorder. Since when are supplements to maintain joints and improve skin & coat a bad thing? Let me guess, when it makes extra work for them and they don’t profit from it. It was even implied I was an irresponsible pet owner because I didn’t have the contact information in hand when they called me back. Since they made a copy of the card last time I figured they had it on file. My mistake. Well, not really, but the card is out of reach in my purse. My service dog is good, but he hasn’t mastered zippers yet. After three less than pleasant communications the supplements are ordered. I think. Maybe. Hopefully. We’ll see.

    In the end everything worked out. I got my vitamins, Horton’s will be coming and another nurse knows MS and SMA are not one in the same. It just makes me cranky. Especially knowing I’ll have to go through it all again when I need refills and get another new nurse. So, today I’m allowing myself to be cranky and yes, snippy. Tomorrow I’ll suck it up. Compile a list of possible new veterinarians and remind the clinic I’m on my last refill of Omeprazole. For some reason I’m less than confident the pharmacy contacted my provider as their message indicates.

    Hey, it could be worse. I could be the guy stuck in the neighbors driveway. All he was doing is trying to plow the fresh foot of snow that just fell. I wonder if he’s cranky. Do you get cranky? How do you respond? Apparently I get snippy.

    nikki replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • eric-ovelgone

    February 22, 2022 at 11:27 am

    Of course…I try to get my crankiness out when i am not around other people by yelling out curse words to myself in the basement.  I am generally in very good control of my temper otherwise….but it is a bit like a high pressure tank with no safety valve.  It takes a whole lot to make me blow…but you want to be miles away in a fall out shelter when it occurs.

  • nikki

    February 22, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    Hi DeAnn, first of all, bless your heart for being so honest with yourself and transparent with us as your SMA community. In my experiences, “cranky days” is one of those challenges that we have to master. It is unfortunate because I don’t think the able-bodied world has to deal with it as much. They can run off and be alone without needing to have any public our merciful hands to help us wipe our face, eat our food, put us to bed or anything that is intimate and private. They get to handle that all by themselves. I guess in that human normalcy, all that alone time is where they get to deal with their own crankiness, which I’m sure they have.

    For me, I often cry it out or when I go to bed at night, I put my Alexa device on volume 2 very low so that my night caregiver doesn’t hear it, and I sing along to the songs I play on my Spotify playlists. That’s the best way that I exert energy. Cranky days to me are pent up energy that needs to be exerted and/or processed thoroughly, which means to your liking. I would suggest finding something that you love to do in any of your private moments that you get to have, spend time doing it especially when something’s upsetting you. I know it’s hard not snipping at the people closest to us, but I tell them that they can’t expect me to be the only one in this care relationship that practices grace. They need to have grace for us too, after all we are the one’s that can’t walk away from our daily challenges.  Remember that you deserve your process.

    Thanks for the write-ups on here! Yours is the only other one of the 2 I read ????

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