Define Independent
Did you know Alexa has 23 definitions for the word independent? I don’t have the time or patience to listen to them all. The inquiry, prompted by a recent comment, has me questioning my own level of independence. Although I live in a house to myself, there’s a lot I can’t do. Can you consider yourself independent when you rely on so many others to meet your needs? How about those who share a space. Can you be considered independent if you live with your parents? I’m saying yes, you don’t have to have 100% independence to still be independent. What are your thoughts?
When I try to think of the most independent person on the planet, no one comes straight to mind. Maybe Oprah? If you’re known by just one name, you must be independent right? Well, even Oprah has an entourage. Heck, it’s widely known her best friend Gail is one of her biggest supporters. So, what makes her independent? You can’t tell me she got to where she’s at entirely on her own. Maybe it’s that she knows what she wants and goes after it. She probably knows who and when to ask for help. Throw in a lot of talent, hard work and a little luck and you have Oprah.
Now, I don’t claim to even be on the same playing field as Oprah, but I do know what I want and go after it. Although I don’t always know the right people, eventually I get there. That’s how I acquired the Jaco. With it I have more independence. Yes, because I can do more stuff on my own with it. More importantly though, because I went for it. Because of my talent, hard work and a little luck I made it happen. Let’s not forget my entourage. It wouldn’t have happened without them.
I don’t think anyone can claim to be 100% independent. Independence is something that we can all strive for though. We can all be successful at it too. It all depends on what definition you’re going by. How do you define Independent?
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