Dose of DeAnn Episode 39: Understanding Disability Benefits
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.
Check out the latest episode of Dose of DeAnn: A Glimpse Into My Life with SMA. Here talk about the importance of understanding disability benefits, and I share my experiences in this area. Many people think that it’s impossible to work and retain benefits, and I’m happy to debunk this myth in this video.
Of course, there there are guidelines to follow. A benefit analysis helped me understand my situation, and what I need to do to continue receiving necessary benefits.
I also touch on the basics, like the differences between SSI, SSDI and DAC Benefits. In my home-state of Minnesota, here are some great resources to look into: Goodwill Easter Seals Minnesota | gesmn.org | Work Incentives Connection | mnworkincentives.com | 1-800-976-6728 | 711. I highly recommend checking into your state’s resources to learn more.
I hope you all enjoy this video! Let me know what questions you have, and feel free to share your own tips for working as well.
Also, if you haven’t already, please subscribe to the SMA News Today YouTube channel. Thanks for watching!
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