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  • When do you seek medical attention?

    Posted by deann-r on August 9, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    How can body parts that don’t even function cause so many issues?  

    My feet and legs have never done me any favors. The struggle of finding comfortable shoes and socks is real. Toenail care makes me cringe.  

    Now I’m dealing with a minor scratch on my leg that has been weeping for over a week. The nurse who checks in monthly glanced at it and didn’t seem concerned. It’ll be my call if I deem it necessary to seek medical attention. At this point, I doubt they’d do anything different than what I’m doing.  

    When do you seek medical attention?

    susana-m replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • susana-m

    August 9, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    One of the complications that we have to deal with is that these bodies have evolved to be in motion and we are not. The simple act of walking, the impact of your foot on the floor helps circulation. The constant micro adjustments with each stride supports core strength. Despite western medicine’s obsession with compartmentalizing different bodily symptoms, they are constantly interacting.

    Personally, we manage as much as we can until our strategies fail. That’s when I call in an assist.

    For your leg, I’d keep it clean and elevate it as much as you can. Some like to use antibiotic cream, hydrogen peroxide or honey to help the wound seal. If it starts to get angry red tentacles, send a picture to the nurse but they’re not going do anything else unless it’s infected.

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