31 Days of SMA

31 days of SMA will run through the month of August for SMA awareness month. Everyday for the next 31 days a different member of the SMA community will share their story and unique perspective on life with SMA.

31 Days of SMA: Here’s Why Diverse Representation Matters

Photo courtesy of Shailynn Taylor Day 19 of 31 This is Shailynn Taylor’s story: Hi! I’m a 26-year-old entrepreneur, university graduate, public speaker, and model, and I live with SMA type 2. I remember what the lack of representation in all aspects of my life felt like as…

31 Days of SMA: Why I Am Proud to Be Disabled

Carli Lynne Hamilton with her husband, Jared, and daughter, B. (Photo courtesy of Carli Lynne Hamilton) Day 16 of 31 This is Carli Lynne Hamilton’s story: I am Carli Hamilton. I was diagnosed with SMA when I was 2 years old. Like many other parents who receive the diagnosis…

31 Days of SMA: How SMA Made Me Into a Scientist

Photo courtesy of Ben Lou Day 12 of 31 This is Ben Lou‘s story: Hi, I’m Ben, a mathematician, physicist, and philosopher studying at MIT. I also have SMA type 2. You’ll find me in the mornings pondering my problems in bed. I’ll be reading…

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