
The Ups and Downs of ‘The Upside’

Even before its theatrical release, the new film “The Upside” garnered its fair share of criticism from a number of disability activists on social media. Its main controversy stems from the fact that it’s yet another example of an able-bodied actor playing a…

My Journey Toward Greater Independence

A few weeks ago, a friend told me I had to see “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” It was everything I loved, with amazing graphics, she said, so I couldn’t just rent it when it releases on DVD. I had to see it in theaters.

Reflections After My 10th Spinraza Injection

“Are you comfortable, Alyssa?” my surgeon asked while gently leaning over me as I lay on my left side. My quick-witted response assured her there was nothing comforting about a needle in my spine. But with clenched fists and deep breaths, I was managing. After all, I had…

My Aunt’s Advice for Optimal Self-care

Second in a series. Read part one.  This week, I sought advice from my aunt, Heidi McLaughlin, because she is a thoughtful, wise person. Like me, she is a writer. RB: If I didn’t have SMA and you could only give me one piece of advice about…

On Being a Hot Person in a Wheelchair

Across social media platforms right now, there’s a trend where people post pictures of themselves from 10 years ago next to current ones. The idea is to see how much people have changed over a decade and to laugh at embarrassing old images. It’s been entertaining,…

With the New Year Comes Home Renovation

I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I don’t think I could live in the middle of nowhere. My parents want nothing more than to raise a few goats in rural Wisconsin, where they recently bought their “forever home,” a small farmhouse with decent acreage. I, however, would…

Welcome to Life with Vertigo

Hello. My name is Alyssa Silva, and on Jan. 7, I failed my vertigo test. Again. For the sixth or seventh time. Here’s a little useless fact about me: I’m a terrible test taker. In college, my final grades were saved by papers and projects because I always…

Free Advice Worth Paying For

I go to my family and friends for advice before anyone else. They’ve always given me tremendous input, but how is that affected by SMA, if at all? In the following interview, the first in a series, I’ll explore how SMA impacts the way people perceive me, as well as…