
How Theater Helped Shape Me

Given how much I loved movies, playing make-believe, and any kind of storytelling, it’s no surprise that I had a desire to get on stage early on. Before my elementary school started its drama club, I acted in church plays, put on my own productions at…

Writing My Way Out

When I first started writing this column, I wasn’t sure what to say. I have a list of potential topics that I’ve been adding to sporadically, but nothing really jumped out at me. You’re probably tired of hearing about my headaches. To be frank, I’m…

The Power of Social Media in the SMA Community

Over the past weekend, pictures from the annual candle lighting for SMA that took place on Aug. 11 inundated my social media feeds. As most of our community knows, this lighting represents the lives lost too soon to this debilitating disease and those who are still living in spite…

Two New Sets of Wheels for Ella

Kids grow … and Ella’s right there along with them. Since her spine surgery, Ella has gained a bit more than 5 inches in her height. And every three months, she gets her spine rods lengthened. She sits tall and straight in her wheelchair, and…

Struggles with Caretaking Can Lead to Stress

I’ve been putting this column off for a while. While I’m perfectly fine with sharing some things, I generally don’t like to talk about the people in my life. But this is something most, if not all, SMA patients deal with at some point, and I…

Is That Paint or Legos?

Engaging in normal conversations is difficult while in a wheelchair. If people stop staring long enough to say anything at all, it likely will be related to my disability. My appearance evokes a variety of questions ranging from ignorant and annoying to genuine and understandable. While I can’t…

Ella Makes a New Friend

It’s been a long summer. The kids have found things to keep them busy, but playdates for Ella have been few and far between. That is, until new neighbors moved in just down the block. Our new neighbors are from New York,…

National Lampoon’s ‘Schaefer Vacations’

When you or a family member has SMA, chaos management becomes second nature. You come to expect the unexpected, and you learn to adapt to whatever absurd obstacles come your way. Case in point: the majority of my family’s vacations. You could easily…