
Do children hold the key to improved accessibility?

Growing up, I loved the library’s summer reading program. I’ve always been a bookworm, so logging hours of reading and being rewarded for my hobby was a highly satisfying endeavor. My favorite prizes were, of course, new books. Last year, I was thrilled to learn that this program from my…

When a nod to life’s most important work happens years later

My late mother, an accomplished pianist named JoAnn Derden, used to perform double-piano concerts with her sister, who insisted that the music — intricate, demanding classics — be memorized. Mom begrudgingly obliged. When those stressful days ended, Mom enjoyed improvising and playing two-piano music with me — no memorization…

The fragility of my independence with a broken wheelchair

Through my experience with SMA, I’ve come to understand the fragility of life. I’ve also come to understand the fragility of my wheelchair. I’ve been using a wheelchair for three decades and have learned how invaluable it is to my life and my independence. Though people often pity…

Saying goodbye to my great-uncle Richard, an ‘Old Hero’

Content warning: This column deals with the topics of death and suicidal ideation.  “The first dead body you see should not be someone you love,” advises funeral director Poppy Mardall in journalist Hayley Campbell’s 2022 book “All the Living and the Dead.” Campbell’s book provides remarkable insight into…

My mom showed me how to advocate for myself

In the 1995 drama “Mr. Holland’s Opus,” the film’s titular protagonist confronts a boardroom of school administrators during a pivotal third-act scene. Glenn Holland (Richard Dreyfuss), a longtime high school music teacher, refuses to back down when his superiors declare their intention to eliminate the school’s music and…

Sharing my wealth for my golden birthday and beyond

I just turned 26 on Sept. 26, which makes it my golden birthday. Never heard of a golden birthday? You’re not alone. It’s believed they were invented by American author and teacher Joan Bramsch in the 1950s. She celebrated each of her five children’s golden birthdays, and the idea…

How SMA helps me understand my bisexuality, and vice versa

“People think bisexuals stereotypically can’t decide on which gender we want to have sex with, when the truth is, we can’t decide on anything,” someone in a group chat once joked. I laughed far longer than perhaps was appropriate, nodding along at the truth of the statement, at least in…