
We’re Still in a Pandemic

In terms of “things I was expecting,” my mom coming down with COVID-19 was not one of them. The Albers family is notorious for doing too much at once. One of my caregivers often jokes that we’re the busiest people she knows. If we’re not renovating something, there’s a good…

Living With SMA Taught Me to Think Efficiently

Something you may not know about me is that I have a tendency to make a lot of impulsive decisions. Of course, when it comes to more complicated and serious matters that require tougher decisions to be made, I take my time and carefully examine the circumstances and craft well…

Some Special Signs Appear at the Perfect Time

The topics in this column tie in somehow to the death of our baby Jeffrey, as that is our connection to SMA. I’d like this column to provide even a spark of hope to others finding themselves in devastating circumstances. Consequently, I’ve purposely tried to gravitate toward a sense of…

The Human Side of the Internet

“The internet is a well of humanity if you dig past the surface of it.” Comedian, actor, and filmmaker Bo Burnham said this in 2019 during a writers panel hosted by The Hollywood Reporter. Burnham got his start making YouTube videos in the early 2000s, back when the concept…

NaNoWriMo 2021: To Write or to Rest?

Hear that? It’s the sound of writers across the world readying to drive ourselves crazy in November for National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. We’ve got our blankets, a mug of our chosen caffeinated beverage, and snacks, and will be devolving into decrepit hermits as we attempt to achieve…

Reflecting on 2 Years of SMA My Way

It’s strange to think that a little over two years ago, I witnessed — and participated in — the conception of SMA My Way, a patient-focused community sponsored by the biotech company Genentech to support all of those affected by SMA. A lot has changed since then. I graduated…