
Why I Welcome Children’s Curiosity About My Disability

A few years ago, I wrote about the need for more understanding and awareness about disability. No matter how many years have passed or how much has changed, I’ve always felt strongly that this topic should be included in everyday conversations about disability. In that column, I shared my…

Through Chaos and Calm, I Voyage Onward

It was a classic Midwestern summer day on Lake Michigan as my friend Sarah and I parked by the Wisconsin docks of the Sailing Education Association of Sheboygan.  As we geared up for an afternoon of adaptive sailing, the breeze blew stronger, carrying the metallic rasp of…

For the Love Who Stayed on My Darkest Nights

After I was hired as a columnist for SMA News Today, a stack of onboarding documents was sent to my email. I spent an entire day reading them and signing my name systematically. But among the documents, one titled “Writing Advice” drew my deeper attention. I’m not usually one who…

Milestones Are Different With SMA

I woke up to a Facebook notification inviting me to a group for my high school reunion. It dawned on me that next year will mark a decade since I graduated. Factor in a pandemic, and it feels more like several decades since I crossed the stage in June 2012.

Our Lives Are Evidence

Every August, I sit across from a nurse and prove that I am, in fact, still disabled. Disclaimer: I completely understand why assessments are necessary. I’m the beneficiary of countless government programs, from Medicaid to much-needed support funds. I’m not just blessed, I’m privileged as all get-out. I dislike the…

What We Can Learn While Waiting for Coffee

Last week, my mom, brother, and I decided to grab coffee on the way home from picking up groceries. The Starbucks closest to our house has one of the only drive-thrus that can accommodate the towering height of my high-top wheelchair van. Our order was taking longer…

The Challenges of Making Friends as an Adult With SMA

Making friends as an adult is hard. At least, it always has been for me. After all, I’m an introvert. I like keeping to myself. But friendships are important to my emotional well-being, and I cherish them deeply. However, once I graduated from college and started working…