Embracing My Inner Alien - a column by Kevin Schaefer

wheelchair malfunction, movie theaterKevin is a writer, podcaster, and lover of all things pop-culture. Diagnosed with SMA Type 2 at the age of 18 months, he shares a vast array of hilarious and eye-opening stories from his life with a neuromuscular disability. In addition to his weekly columns, he works as the Director of Forums for this site’s parent company, BioNews. Kevin is a graduate of North Carolina State University and lives with his parents in Cary, NC. People regularly mistake him for Tony Stark, on account of his intellect and advanced technological equipment.  

Drivin’ in the Rain

A couple weeks ago I was out with some friends from college for a trivia night at a local brewery. My friend Russ gave me a ride, and as we approached our destination the clouds covered the sky, culminating in a stormy display like something out of…

Never Tell Me the Odds

In a few days I’ll be 24, and every year my birthday is accompanied with at least some sentimentality. I hate being sappy, and anytime I reach a milestone it’s usually followed by an emotional speech by one of my parents. At my college graduation party last…

Making SMA Lives Easier, One Echo Dot at a Time

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how my Echo Show from Amazon Alexa has significantly increased my independence, particularly when I’m at home. Recently, my editors here at SMA News Today contacted me about several Echo Dot devices they had to give away…

One Year Since I Attempted Stand-up Comedy

The other day Facebook reminded me that a year ago I gave stand-up comedy a shot at an open mic night. My local comedy club does open mic sessions every week, and since I have a few comedian friends who had been encouraging me to try it…

My New Role Here at ‘SMA News Today’

Since April, I’ve been writing this weekly column, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Telling my story here on SMA News Today and sharing my thoughts on a wide range of topics has been liberating, rewarding and it has allowed me to connect with others…

The Most-Asked Question when Strangers See Me

Living with SMA or any kind of visible disability means that numerous awkward conversations inevitably will occur. It’s simply one of the things that happens when you’re in a wheelchair, especially when talking with kids or really, really dumb adults. Yet with all the odd comments and questions…