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Right-To-Try Laws Help Baby With SMA in Minnesota

According to a report on, there are 33 states that have right-to-try laws, giving people with life-threatening illnesses access to drugs that have not yet been approved by the FDA. MORE: West Virginia boy hopes to get Spinraza treatment for SMA. So long as the drug has safely completed the…

Adult With SMA Shares His Perspective on Spinraza

While most people associated with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are celebrating the FDA’s approval of Spinraza, one man with SMA is sharing a different take on the drug. MORE: Find out about the film which encourages SMA patients to reach beyond their limits.  Fifty-four-year-old Ben Mattlin has had plenty of time to…

How Having SMA Influences This Writer’s Life

SMA News Today columnist Brianna Albers describes herself more as a storyteller than a writer. In fact, she wants the outside world to see a storyteller, rather than a person who happens to have spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). MORE: Find out more about Brianna Albers in her first column ‘The…

11 Function and Mobility Aids for Children With SMA

As a child’s spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) progresses, they may need special equipment to help make life easier for them and their caregivers. Function and mobility aids can help with maintaining a patient’s independence, allowing them to participate in everyday activities. Here are some of the aids that children with SMA…

4 Tips for Taking Care of Caregivers

While few of us choose to become caregivers, many of us are faced with the task if a loved one is diagnosed with a chronic disease. The transition is a strange time for everyone involved, as the nature of the relationship changes for both the caregiver and patient. However, it is…

7 Physical Clues You Could Have Depression

Many people who suffer from chronic illnesses also suffer from depression. Depression isn’t something that should be overlooked; it should be brought to your doctor’s attention so that it can be treated. But how do you spot depression?  With help from, we’ve put together a list of some of the most common physical signs…