Social Clips

5 Steps of Diagnosing SMA

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic disorder that affects around one in 10,000 babies. The severity of the disease varies, but children with SMA are usually unable to walk and after time, muscle degeneration can affect their ability to sit, swallow and breathe without assistance. Diagnosis of the…

This Free Equipment Will Help With SMA Care

Caring for a child with SMA is not only taxing on a family emotionally and physically, but it can also be quite taxing on your finances. Even if you have great health insurance (which let’s be honest, is rare), having a full-time caregiver can be incredibly expensive—whether that’s an outside…

Canadian SMA Families Waiting for Spinraza Approval

This video from CTV News features the Bartlett family from Ontario, Canada. Sarah and Myles Bartlett are understandably excited about Spinraza and the potential the new drug has to treat their daughter Stella, who was born with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). However, they’re still waiting for the drug to approved…

8 Ways to Feel Happier

It can sometimes be a challenge to look on the bright side when you have a chronic illness, but spending time doing things that make you happy will help keep depression at bay, help you come to terms with your illness better and begin enjoying life again. To help you feel happier,…

Explaining the Role of SMN Genes in SMA

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neurogenerative disease which affects approximately one in every 6,000 to 10,000 children. It is caused by mutations in the copy of the SMN1 (survival motor neuron 1) gene and leads to muscle deterioration, the severity of which varies depending on the type of SMA the…

This Is What Causes SMA

If your child has recently been diagnosed with SMA, there’s probably just one question on your mind: why? The emotions and questions will change over time, but it’s quite natural to immediately wonder why this happened to your family or if there was something you could have done as a…