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  • To Keep or Not to Keep Caregivers: The COVID-19 Edition

    Posted by alyssa-silva on March 18, 2020 at 9:15 am

    Hey everyone. How are you all doing during this challenging time?

    I’m sure things are a little stressful and chaotic being that the world feels like it flipped upside down. But, today I wanted to ask you how you are handling caregivers and the coronavirus.

    I had to suspend my services until further notice because both of my PCAs work in hospitals part-time, and my back-up PCA’s wife works in a hospital. It just isn’t worth the risk to be exposed to them during this time.

    While I’m incredibly fortunate to have my parents able to step in, I’m devastated and had a good cry on Monday when I let them go lol. My PCAs are the vehicle to my independence and to lose that for an unknown amount of time is really the last thing I wanted right now. Alas, I know it’s for the best. My health comes first.

    Did you suspend caregiving services until things slow down a bit? What precautions are you taking with people coming in and out of your home?

    alyssa-silva replied 4 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • halsey-blocher

    March 19, 2020 at 9:54 pm

    One of my nurses was planning to take some time off right now anyway, but the other one is still coming. This is her only job, and she’s being cautious outside of work to protect both me and her elderly parents. Fortunately, my parents are also able to take over completely if needed, but it’s still good for them to have a break. Hopefully it doesn’t get to the point where we have to ask either of them to stop coming.

  • alyssa-silva

    March 20, 2020 at 9:22 am

    I hope it doesn’t get to that point either. I’m also afraid that if my PCAs are suspended for too long, I’ll lose my services altogether. Such a fine line I’m “walking” on right now.

  • halsey-blocher

    March 20, 2020 at 10:01 pm

    I can definitely see why that would be a concern. I hope you’re able to bring them back soon!

  • deborah-schulte

    March 26, 2020 at 8:54 am

    Unfortunately, I have to have all my people work.  Some of them work in Dr’s office part time.We are super careful.  I am OCD anyways, lol, so Im always wiping down surfaces, everyones washing hands constantly!  I have no choice, I need them to live!….Alyssa, Im in CT, we should chat and meet sometime!  I feel like I know you through your Instagram and blog!  Be safe everyone!

  • alyssa-silva

    March 27, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Hi Deborah— yes! I recognized your name from Instagram. Which part of CT do you live in? Would be great to get together one day. 🙂

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