Wheelchair Scheduled for Delivery!
Yesterday I got a call that my new wheelchair will be ready soon. Very soon, October 27th is the scheduled delivery date! Because I’ve never gotten a wheelchair this quickly I’m in disbelief. After all it took almost a year to get my very first wheelchair. Apparently it was impossible to get it in red at the time. Finding out that was the holdup we had them send what they had. Hospital gray it was, but whatever. For the first time in my life I was independently mobile. Well, other than that time we put the wheel of my kiddie cart on my brother’s remote control truck. Although I’m excited this time around, I’m a bit anxious as well. What if I hate it? What if it was manufactured on a Monday (aka a lemon)? Will I get used to front wheel drive? So many unknowns, but I know in the end it’ll work out. I am taking bets though, do you think I’ll actually get it on the 27th? What’s the quickest you’ve gotten a chair?
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