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  • Do You Use Consumer-Directed Community Supports (CDCS)?

    Posted by deann-r on October 20, 2020 at 7:00 am

    Healthcare is so confusing. It’s especially difficult when you’re dependent on caregivers. Each state has their own variation of programs as well, which doesn’t make navigation easier. Today I had my annual review to continue services. For years I’ve kept my services the same as to not “rock the boat.” If it’s not broke don’t fix it. But what if it could work better? Currently I am getting PCA and other services through a CADI Waiver program. So much funding is allocated for caregiving and other disability related expenses. I then work with my social worker for funding approval then an agency to fulfill my caregiving needs and other providers depending on the services needed. It’s been extremely difficult finding reliable quality caregivers. A solution to this would be offering higher wages, but through an agency I’m at their mercy. One option offered to me to be able to have more control over wages is a program called Consumer-Directed Community Supports (CDCS.) With this program a budget is calculated and I have to work within the confines of the budget, but I have more direct control. Does anyone have experience with CDCS? Benefits? Drawbacks? I’ve requested more information but haven’t made any changes as of yet. It sounds appealing, but kind of a pain in the butt too.

    alyssa-silva replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • pamela-muhammad

    October 20, 2020 at 7:50 am

    Good morning. I agree with you that being disabled and having to depend on others is quite a task itself every day of my life.  I use an agency and the benefit of that is that they I have more of the responsibility of hiring and firing qualified caregivers although most of the time they aren’t qualified at all. It’s absolutely ridiculous of some of the type of people that they choose to administrate care. And though I’ve heard of cdcs also I was told that the client has the responsibility of panda payroll I’ve two of them their own caregivers and as well as administrator that care and I don’t know if I have the time or the patience to do all of that so I too would like to know more before I make the major adjusted change of changing into that services. Thank you for sharing this it is quite interesting to say the least. Have a great day.

  • alyssa-silva

    October 20, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Yes I get a maximum budget and amount of hours weekly. Of course, even with the “freedom” of deciding PCA wages, it’s still not a great hourly wage. It’s been so long that I can’t remember what the process was like transferring over to consumer-directed care, but the good news is that it has been so long because it has worked out well.

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