Abilities Expo
Despite being middle-aged, I had not been active in the disability community until recently.
The first Abilities Expo we went to was NOTHING like I expected. Sounds a little silly to say it out loud, but I had never seen so many active handicapped people in one place. Yesterday was the third time attending this event and I have thoughts.
The Pros: Different vendors and products that I normally wouldn’t have known about. New pain management systems, wheelchairs that can handle rough terrain & sand, adaptive bathroom & kitchen design (that is not ugly), financial planning. They even had a rock climbing experience for the adventurous.
The Cons: Despite most vendors giving deep discounts, much of it still landed in the expensive range. Very limited food court. Their ad campaign did not find their market, I shared info with PTs and people on STS, none of them had heard of it
The Happy Surprise: Permobil Foundation replaced my worn out tires & casters, an armrest cushion and fixed the control box that had been broken since I first bought it. FOR FREE!! I literally said, “can you fix this shit?” and was shocked when they could and did.
Did you know the armrests have a cover that you can take off and wash? I didn’t.
Verdict? Definitely worth a spin but when you go arrive early to access the free parking perk
Abilities | Serving the Community since 1979
Discover solutions at Abilities Expo. the community for people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.
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