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  • Comics Anthology Portrays Reality of Disability

    Posted by brianna-albers on March 1, 2018 at 5:39 pm

    It’s hard to find stories that accurately reflect life with a disability. Because of this, freelance creators have been coming together to produce media that speak to disability. <i>CORPUS: A Comic Anthology of Bodily Ailments</i> is one such project, tackling the scary, the hilarious, the poignant, and more.

    <i>CORPUS: A Comic Anthology of Bodily Ailments</i> grapples skillfully with illness and health care. With more than 200 pages of full color content and a total of 40 stories, editor Nadia Shammas hopes the publication of <i>CORPUS</i> will “begin the overdue conversation about health, health care, and empathy.”

    <b>MORE:</b> Portraying disabilities in comics: The pros and cons

    Everyone gets sick at some point, yet few narratives seem to address visible and invisible disabilities; few narratives seem to tackle the experiences of illness and health care. Shammas argues that everyone has a story, making the art and practice of storytelling a way to cultivate empathy: “We are all united by the fact that we navigate the world with our bodies…These stories of illness connect us, remove the fear of the disabled and the unknown.”

    Contributor and <i>SMA News Today</i> columnist Kevin Schaefer agrees. “The Corpus anthology is a unique project which I’m thrilled to be a part of. It’s often hard to find good representations of characters with disabilities in various mediums, and that’s what this book is all about,” Schaefer said. “I’m also stoked because the story I’m working on with my friend Andrew Herman is a science fiction piece about a character who has SMA. All of the stories here will be diverse, relevant and will hopefully shed light into how people view mental and chronic illnesses.”

    Shammas and contributors are using Kickstarter to cover creator fees and printing costs. There are an assortment of reward tiers. For example, pledge $12 and you will receive a digital copy of the book; pledge $25 and you will receive both a digital and softcover copy. Other rewards include Kickstarter exclusive enamel pins, art prints, and postcard sets, as well as commissions by various artists. All supporters will be mentioned in the anthology’s acknowledgments.

    To support <i>CORPUS: A Comic Anthology of Bodily Ailments</i>, check out the anthology’s Kickstarter.

    brianna-albers replied 7 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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