• Happy Thanksgiving

    Posted by kevin-schaefer on November 22, 2018 at 7:00 am

    With the holiday season here, I just wanted to take a few moments to reflect on this year and all the good things that have happened. I often get caught up in trying to create new content, write articles and keep activity here on the forums going that I forget the reason I do this job.

    I’ve been working full-time here at Bionews Services for a little more than a year, and as I look back I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had to engage with the SMA community. In 2018 alone, I helped launch these forums, attended the Cure SMA conference in Dallas and met a ton of great people there, recorded more than a dozen podcasts with people in the SMA community, wrote a ton of articles and helped launch the SMA News Today YouTube channel. I’m genuinely proud of the work we’ve done this year, and all of my coworkers are fantastic. Sometimes I feel isolated working from home, but then I’m reminded by the strength of this community and my team’s dedication to deliver great content.

    I’ve lived with SMA my entire life, and as a kid I would have loved for a site like SMA News Today to exist so that I could read about the experiences of adults with SMA. The fact that I get to do that now and help provide hope for future generations is something I really value. Living with SMA isn’t easy, but it helps tremendously to connect with each other and learn from shared experiences. I just want you all to know that I am grateful for my job, which is not something everyone can say.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy the day and the weekend with family and friends, and thank you all for being part of this community.

    kevin-schaefer replied 6 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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