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  • How do you deal with staff turnover?

    Posted by deann-r on August 18, 2023 at 9:00 am

    As I fake a smile, and express how exciting her new job opportunity is, I can’t help feeling that existential dread of the unknown of who her replacement will be. I’ve had this one for over a year, so we’ve gotten to that point where I don’t have to walk her through every little step. She knows where the supplies are and she’s reliable. A unicorn if you will. She’s also given me good TV recommendations, are you watching Lioness? Starting over is never fun, but like everything else, I got this.

    Even though she’s been great, I don’t consider her a friend. I know once she moves on, we won’t have a connection. Of course, if we bump into each other, we might catch up for a moment, but that’s about it. I call it “Friendish” and have learned that for me it’s easier than getting too attached.

    How do you deal with staff turnover? Do you see it as an opportunity to refresh or dread starting over? Do you strive to make meaningful connections with your workers?

    alyssa-silva replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • alyssa-silva

    August 21, 2023 at 9:42 am

    I dread starting over simply because I know it will take a while to get comfortable with someone new. It’s so much easier when someone knows your routine, knows where your things are, knows how to get you comfortable, etc. But I will say there’s a hope hidden underneath that dread that this person will work out and be an asset to my care team.

    I do become friends with my caregivers. We text and follow each other on social media but don’t usually hang out outside of work unless it’s for a birthday or special occasion. But I do this with the understanding that once they leave the job, our friendship will fizzle. That being said, there are some caregivers I make the effort to stay in touch with, and it’s reciprocated. There’s a difference between knowing who vibes with my inner circle versus just being friends because they’re in close proximity. I learned this after getting hurt a few times by caregivers leaving and ghosting me.

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