SMA News Forums Forums Our Community 31 Days of SMA 2021 Introducing this year’s 31 Days of SMA!

  • Introducing this year’s 31 Days of SMA!

    Posted by alyssa-silva on August 2, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    Hey all! For those who may not know, August is SMA Awareness Month, and we at SMA News Today run a campaign called 31 Days of SMA to feature those living with SMA and how it plays a role in their daily life. DeAnn and I will be sharing each story here so you don’t have to worry about missing a day! Allow me to catch you up on yesterday and today.

    We kicked off 31 Days of SMA with Alvaro Cheherlian, CEO and founder of the clothing brand WREKT SVPPLY. Alvaro explains how starting a clothing brand was a dream of his but knew there would be physical challenges that would come along with it (ie. Heavy lifting, folding, etc.). Despite these roadblocks, Alvaro didn’t want his disability to stop him, and he went on to achieve his goals with the (physical) help from loved ones. Check it out here.

    Today’s post features Rachel Stewart! Rachel discusses how she never had role models growing up who had SMA or were married/in a queer relationship living with SMA. This skewed her vision for her future, but today she is happily married to a woman named Susan. Through sharing her experiences in an interabled relationship, Rachel encourages those who once felt like her to put themselves out there and live their best life. Read her story here.

    alyssa-silva replied 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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