Motivation Monday: Community Engagement
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.
So for today’s Motivation Monday topic, check out another one of our recent 31 Days of SMA stories. My friend Brian wrote about his daughter’s nonprofit organization Adyn’s Dream, and about community. Brian and his family have become part of several communities as a result of Adyn’s Dream, and they love it.
I’m a firm believer in engaging in community. Throughout my life, I’ve been a member of multiple communities through things like: theatre, writing, comics, church, SMA, and more. Community involvement has made me a better person, and I’ve met some great people as a result.
I want to simply encourage everyone here to become part of a community. Join a group. Start your own. Make connections with people. You never know what kind of people you’ll meet.
Are you a part of any communities? (Besides this online one haha)
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