Motivation Monday: Setting Goals
Hey everyone, happy new year! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays.
For today’s Motivation Monday topic, I wanted to talk about setting goals. I used to think new year’s resolutions were kind of cheesy, but I’ve come to appreciate this concept in recent years. Whether you do new year’s resolutions or not, I believe goal-setting is a good principle for anyone.
Check out this article on tips for setting goals. I like how the writer breaks down the different types of goals, and explains the benefits of setting them. They can really help increase our motivation, both at work and in our daily lives.
For me, my goals this year include: writing everyday, publishing a graphic novel that I’ve been working on for the past year, becoming a more effective manager (for my day job), eating healthy, and to spend less time on social media. I also look forward to traveling more this year. I’ll actually be in Philadelphia this week for work.
What are some of your goals? Are they more SMA-related or personal?
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