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  • Post-Comicon and Preparing for the Holidays

    Posted by kevin-schaefer on November 19, 2018 at 11:00 am

    As I wrote about in last week’s post, I went to my local comic book convention two weekends ago and had a great time. I also have a column about it that will go up tomorrow. It was great, but also pretty exhausting. Aside from an advanced screening of the new Harry Potter prequel I went to with a friend last Tuesday, I spent most of this past week at home relaxing and catching up on work.

    With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I wanted to get ahead on work as much as possible. I wrote two columns last week and recorded a podcast, in addition to my daily work with moderating the forums here and working with our social media team. I posted that podcast this morning, and I’m especially proud of this episode. I interviewed my caregiver and close friend Randy Clark, who’s been with me for the past four and a half years. I’ve written about him plenty of times before, and I’m really excited to share this episode with you all. Randy has made a huge impact on my life, and he’s just one of those people I’m most thankful for. He also did a nice job not saying anything wildly inappropriate on the podcast lol.

    Physical therapy is still going well, and I have another appointment today. My schedule in December will be a little irregular because my regular therapist Jean is booked throughout the month. As such, I’ll be with different therapists on different days during that time, which I don’t mind. Everyone I’ve worked with at that facility has been great, and I just like getting in the pool once a week.

    I do have a shorter work week ahead in light of Thanksgiving, and it will be nice to have some time off. I also have my friend Katherine coming in from out of town, and I get to hang out with her tomorrow night. She’s one of my best friends from college who moved to Phoenix a few months ago, and I’ve missed her a lot. While it’s impossible to keep in touch with everyone from my college days, I’m glad to have cultivated some quality and long-lasting relationships. I know a lot of people, but it’s the close friends who I value the most.

    I hope you all have a fantastic week ahead, and that you enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Spend it with the people you love, whether they be blood relatives or close friends. And thank you for being a part of this online community. For me, this is more than just a job. I love being able to connect and share experiences with other people in the SMA community on a daily basis, and you all have enriched my life. Thank you.

    kevin-schaefer replied 6 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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