Quarantine Fun & Games
While hibernation isn’t new to me, it is for my family. In fact I think this is the longest my nieces have been out of school. Exception being summer vacation. Since I’m avoiding contact with them I’m still trying to help entertain them somehow and stay connected. Yesterday I started a text game where I texted an animal. Then the next person had to come up with an animal that started with the last letter of the previous animal. We’ve played this in the car before. It actually worked out fairly well despite my phone issues. We may have had a little cheating going on. Have you ever heard of a Nilgai? Apparently it’s an Asian antelope. Maybe we’ll do rock, paper, scissors or something next. Today I’m mailing them a silly postcard with pizza riddles on it. They’ll have to text me for the answers. Their favorite sports team posted printables too, so I’ll be mailing those to them in the coming days. Included are a word search, object find and coloring page.
Our town is also doing a “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” initiative to keep families occupied. Remember that song? Folks are putting teddy bears in their windows so families can go for a drive and scope out the bears. A great way for families to get out and take advantage of the low gas prices without gathering in large crowds. Skype and Facetime are great ways to stay connected as well.
Looking for more ideas! What fun things have you come up with?
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