The frustrating reality of living with chronic fatigue

In the 1987 science fiction spoof movie “Spaceballs,” Princess Vespa (Daphne Zuniga) is betrothed to Prince Valium (Jim J. Bullock), who dozes off constantly. He has chronic drowsiness, so much so that he yawns when Vespa flees their wedding ceremony in a runaway spaceship. When I first saw…

Perceived Physical Fatigue and Fatigability Frequent in SMA

The sense of physical fatigue and perceived fatigability, or the impact of reduced physical performance on daily life activities, are frequent and disabling symptoms in adults with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) at different functional levels, a study showed. Such symptoms — whose frequency was generally associated with motor impairment — were…

Navigating the Many Highs and Lows of Life With SMA

I recently attended my first pop culture convention since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Masked up, I felt right at home among the crowds of “Star Wars” and “Stranger Things” cosplayers passing by. Though it had been three years since my last con, I eagerly anticipated a day…

The Best Unorthodox Advice From My Doctor

When you’re living with a complicated disease such as SMA, it’s half the battle to have a knowledgeable and trustworthy medical team helping to manage everything. I’ve always been fortunate in that respect. I know how difficult it is to build a solid medical team, but I’ve somehow collected…