
Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Classes started yesterday. My third semester of graduate school, which is a little weird to think about. It feels like I just started; like I just graduated with my bachelor’s in psychology. People kept asking me if I was ready to go back, and while part…

What the School System Taught Me About Advocacy

Between back-to-school commercials, first-day-of-school posts, and college-move-in-day pictures, this time of year always has me reminiscing about my days as a student. Although I am no longer shopping for notebooks and binders and figuring out if any of my friends are in my classes, the memories of these…

Event Planning: Meticulous or Ridiculous?

I’m not exaggerating when I say that SMA requires you to plan ahead for everything. If I don’t carefully coordinate each day with my caregivers, I can’t even go to the bathroom. Fortunately, I usually can plan for a daily occurrence like that, but other things are more complicated…

The Woes of Equipment Malfunctions

  In most superhero comics, movies, and TV shows, there’s usually an arc at some point in which the hero temporarily loses his or her powers. This happens in “Spider-Man 2,” “Supergirl” (season two), the first “Thor” movie, and in issue 12 of the comic book crossover “Crisis…

I Was a Victim of Comfort

It’s difficult to fit in when you have SMA because you are one of a kind. The reality is I’m never going to fit in perfectly anywhere, but I haven’t done myself any favors for most of my life, either. In my younger years, I didn’t have problems with fitting…

On Finding the Right Healthcare Team

As a lifelong SMA patient, the sheer number of people on my healthcare team rivals the size of my immediate and extended family combined. Keep in mind that I come from a southern family with multiple cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and even a couple of…