
New Wheels for Ella

“How come Ava and Henry get to go to their friends’ houses and I don’t?” cried Ella as Henry left to visit a friend. “It’s just not fair!” As Ella grows older, her needs change, mature, and expand. She’s at an age when she wants…

When Hospital Roles Are Reversed

“All right, Alyssa, let’s see how quickly we can do this,” I shouted to my assistant, who conveniently shares my name. I had exactly one hour to get flowers at the local supermarket and get to the hospital to visit my grandfather before his physical therapy appointment. So…

New Wheels, New Freedoms

After three denials by my insurance provider, countless phone calls and my amazing neurologist fighting for me, I finally acquired a new wheelchair a few days ago. The process took a year, and while the insurance fiasco was a headache, at least this particular battle is over…

Rest, Recuperate, and Move Forward

Some of you may know that a year or so ago I founded Monstering, a magazine for disabled women and non-binary people. It started with the desire to create and produce a small, handmade zine. I’d always wanted a space to…

What You Can Learn Living in the Eye of the Storm

Did you know that when buffalo sense a storm coming, they run into it? I recently took a writing course, and the instructor shared this fascinating tidbit with us all. Most animals and humans alike seek shelter when we feel and see a storm brewing in the distance. Lightning strikes,…


“I’m sorry you have SMA,” Lindsay said to Ella. “Me too,” I echoed. Ella’s head moved to the side a bit as she looked at us and said, “I know.” Ella is becoming increasingly frustrated with having SMA. She has…