
I’m Savoring Where I’m at in Life With SMA

Late last month, I posted a Reel for Disability Pride Month about comparison. I’ve written previously about jealousy and the dangers of comparing yourself with others, especially when you’re living with a chronic illness like SMA. You lose perspective. You start to blame yourself for things that are…

Happy (School) Days Are (Hopefully) Here Again!

Lights! Camera! Action! My family’s goings-on might make good fodder for a reality TV show. It’s been a memorable year so far, including my mother’s declining health and death in February; a collapsed ceiling and water damage two months later in what had been…

As a Disabled Person, My Anger and Fear Are Holy

Sometimes it feels like I’m living two separate lives. I’m very intentional when it comes to social media. My Instagram account is a carefully curated feed of Reels, cat pictures, and pastel-colored infographics. This is my cottagecore life. I wear dresses, listen to classical music, and wish I…