
I Think My Dreams Are Telling Me Something

The romantic in me wants to believe that dreams are portents, or windows to the psyche, or invaluable self-knowledge tools. But the therapist in me, who dabbled in clinical psychology for a time, is suspicious of anything resembling psychoanalysis. (I despise Sigmund Freud, but that’s a topic for another day.)…

The Message I Discovered in Celery Juice

I admit that this column’s title is one I never thought I’d write. But alas, it is 2020, and most of this year has been a series of “never thought I’d ever” moments. So, for the sake of what’s on my heart today, I’ll accept how unconventional the title is…

Ella Enjoys Her First Days of Remote Learning

Our daughter Ella, who is 10, recently enjoyed the last few days of summer before school started again. During the last of her free time, she played outside, used her iPad, and chatted with friends. She watched TV and stayed up late. And she slept in and played…

The Uncanny SMAers

Within the pages of the Marvel universe, one of the most iconic superhero teams is the “Uncanny X-Men.” There’s Cyclops with his optic blasts of energy, Marvel Girl with her telepathic and telekinetic abilities, Wolverine with his regenerative healing abilities and…

A Season for Bumblebees and a Time for Warriors

It’s late August.  The songs written by crickets in May have been arranged into full summer soundtracks, playing on loops of background music from dawn to dusk and moonrise to moonset. The aroma of sun-baked leaves swirls about golden afternoons.  By now, that usually means my outdoor patio…

Ella Learns to Grow Up in a Complicated World

My daughter with SMA, Ella, has a knack for making friends. She naturally draws people to her and always finds the good in them. Last week, Ella’s older brother, Henry, and her older sister, Ava, both had friends over at the house. Although Ella was…

An Update on My Digestive Dilemma

A few months ago, I wrote about my ongoing stomach issues and the impact this was having on my daily life. Despite the subject matter, I somehow managed to maintain a serious tone in the column. Truth be told, I was too frustrated…

Challenges Won’t Stand in the Way of Fashion

It’s no secret that I love fashion. One glance into my generously filled closet confirms this. But as is the case with many things, SMA requires that I take a creative approach to style. Today, I thought I’d share some ways in which I navigate the challenges I have when…